Analele Universităţii
"Eftimie Murgu"
Fascicula de Inginerie
ISSN-L 1453-7397
   Printed version ISSN 1453-7397
   Online version  ISSN 2344-4568

                                                            Issues > Archive > 2003
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  "Eftimie Murgu" Univ.
  "Eftimie Murgu" PH

Anul X (2003), Nr. 1, Vol. 1

Sectiunea A. matematici aplicate. informatica


Anghel Cornelia Victoria

Studiu comparativ a functiilor ortogonale haar si fourier la transmisia semnalelor prin cablu cu aplicatie în matlab


Anghel Cornelia Victoria;  Anghel Ioana

Notiuni de programare patratica. determinarea maximului unei functii prin metoda capacitatii


Chioncel Cristian Paul, Chioncel Petru

Banca de date pentru biblioteca UEM Resita


Nedelcu Dorian

Conversia tabelelor din excel în html. Structura tabelelor html si interfata macrocomanda excel.


Nedelcu Dorian

Conversia tabelelor din excel în html. Codul Visual Basic asociat macrocomenzii excel


Nedelcu Dorian

Software pentru proiectarea dispozitivelor


Tatucu Iancu

The determination of the magnetic flux density at a power magnet with the finite element method.



Sectiunea B. Inginerie mecanica


Bejan Ioan, Bobar Daniel I.

Aspects concerning the radial bearing’s refurbishment for 13 mw turbine – pump.


Hota Ioan, Busea Corina

Researches on boundary layer theory to plane profile network calculus.


Manescu Tiberiu Stefan, Georgevici Iulian, Pinca Bretonean Camelia

Exeprimental determination of the residual tensions in foundered  piece of francis rotor type.


Marta Constantin, Breaban Florin, Amariei Daniel, Suciu Lenuta, Vela Daniel

Applications of casting processes simulations using magma soft.


Suciu Lenuta

The aluminium plasma welding.


Suciu Lenuta

The welding in the carbon dioxide protective medium using high currents



Sectiunea C. Inginerie electronica si electrotehnica


Chioncel Petru; Chioncel Cristian P., Yanos Gal

Transfer element modeling and simulation.


Chioncel Petru; Chioncel Cristian P.

Planing of an experimental stall for shape memory alloy.


Gavris Teodor

A study concerning the behaviour of the laddle furnance supplied by the energetic system of from the point of view of the distorting conditions and of the voltage variation.


Gavris Teodor, Veselin Giuchici

Expension loop of the command angle transformation dependent on the frequency variation of the network at the thyristor changers type atr.


Gavris Teodor, Veselin Giuchici

A study of the block control method modification within the pulse formation system at the thyristor converters type t??? of the 1250 tf. Claws.


Gavris Teodor, Veselin Giuchici

The command system implementation on the thyristor grid using integrated circuits BAA145 in the command system U.R.S.S. type ??Ø? at the LDS section


Raduca Eugen

Potentiometru electronic.


Raduca Mihaela, Raduca Eugen

Sursa de tensiune pentru laborator


Tatucu Iancu

The contribution to the designing of a sensitive device for the dynamic condition.



Sectiunea D. Ingineria materialelor

Cziple Florentina

The computerised plotting of the liquidus surfaces, form the ternary system Al-Cu-Si


Cziple Florentina

Planning and computerised monitoring of an experiment of thermal analysis of the alloys in the Al-Cu-Si system


Petrica Adrian Valentin

The dispersion of hardness value by thermal sprayed deposits with various couple of wires.





Breuer Beatrix

Insults in literature


Marta Constantin, Zgârdea Emanuel, Suciu Lenuta, Vela Daniel

Internet-ul – mediu de afaceri.


Popa Adina

Rolul companiilor multinationale în  armonizarea contabila.


Roata Valentin

Protectia juridica a desenelor si modelelor industriale.


Roata Valentin

Subiectele drepturilor asupra desenelor si modelelor industriale. Drepturile si obligatiile acestora


Roata Valentin

Modalitati de aparare a drepturilor autorilor de desene si modele industriale


Visan Alina Dana

Doris Lessing -  a modern writer


Visan Alina Dana

Voltaire – un grand représentant des lumières